eSIM for Samsung Gear S4: best mobile data plans

The built-in communication module technology and its remote activation are becoming more popular among leading mobile device companies. This innovation has been supported by the largest manufacturers, and right now eSIM is available not only for smartphones and tablets but also for smartwatches. If you decided to buy a Samsung Gear S4 watch, you will be able to fully enjoy these new features.

< 1 Gb

10+ Gb

1 Day

30+ Days

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Does Samsung Gear S4 support eSIM?

Smartwatches from Apple's main competitor have also received support for the new communication protocol, so owners of such a gadget can easily connect a built-in SIM card and use all the features of a modern device. The built-in communication module is interesting because you do not need to insert a physical SIM card to connect to the network, just scan the QR code to recode the chip.

An additional advantage was that the transition to a new operator was simplified at times because you do not need to visit the office and get an actual SIM card. It is also worth noting that the use of the built-in module increases the degree of personal data protection in the event of theft or loss of the device.

How to activate eSIM in a Samsung Gear S4?

Activation of eSIM in a Samsung Gear S4 is carried out similarly as in other devices. The subscriber chooses a plan on the official operator's website, pays for it, and receives a QR code, which must be downloaded in order to start the purchased plan. The only condition is to use the special Galaxy Wearable application, using which the plan can be added. It should be noted that activating eSIM in a watch will be possible only if the latter is synchronized with a phone model that also supports this technology.

How to set up eSIM in your Samsung Gear S4?

An eSIM plan for Samsung Gear S4 is most often used as an additional source of mobile Internet. You can use the built-in module when the main network is unavailable or the entire services package has run out. Connection set up is performed automatically, and the subscriber is not required to configure any characteristics manually.

eSIM operators offer to install their own mobile application, which will help in keeping track of traffic consumption and replenishing the package gigabytes in time. Having an additional plan will never be useless, because you don't know how the network will behave in different areas of the city. If you cannot connect using the plan from one operator, you can always switch to another and try again.

Reviews of Samsung Gear S4 with eSIM support

Rated 4.5 of 5 based on 1 customer reviews


I decided to connect the built-in eSIM for Samsung Gear 4 watches when I was on a trip in China. I specially chose a data plan with an increased volume of mobile Internet, so that during the trip I always stayed in touch. I set the clock quickly, the application has all the necessary functions and pleases with the stability of the connection even when moving from region to region.


    What devices except Samsung Gear S4 support eSIM?

Microsoft Surface Pro X

Google Pixel 3A XL

Samsung Fold

LG Nexus 6P

Lenovo Yoga 630

Samsung Galaxy Watch LTE

Amazfit Smart Watch 2

Sony VAIO Pro PG

Apple Watch Series 3

Apple iPhone XS

Samsung S20 Ultra

Apple Watch Series 4

    Countries where you can buy eSIM mobile data plans for Samsung Gear S4











     United Arab Emirates



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