eSIM for Lenovo Yoga 630: best mobile data plans

The emergence of new technologies is common to all devices, so the ability to use a built-in module for connecting to the Internet has finally appeared in the latest laptop models. A distinctive feature of eSIM is that it greatly simplifies connecting to the network, and the user can carry out all settings on their own. The main advantage is that you get a stable internet connection at a much lesser cost than with traditional options.

< 1 Gb

10+ Gb

1 Day

30+ Days

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Does Lenovo Yoga 630 support eSIM?

The latest models of all leading computer technology manufacturers support connection with the built-in communication module. You can check for the availability of this method in your notebook's settings. To do this, open the main settings panel and tap on the "System" section, then open the "About the system" tab and find the "Mobile Connections" category. If your laptop model supports eSIM, you will see the corresponding item in the list of available options.

How to activate eSIM in a Lenovo Yoga 630?

eSIM activation in a Lenovo Yoga 630 notebook is carried out in several steps; you do not need to install additional software or change the basic settings. After you have received the QR code from the operator, you can proceed with activation.

Open the mobile networks menu and find the "Add a new profile" option. Then you just must enter the received code. As a rule, eSIM operators send the code in the form of a QR image that needs to be scanned using a device's camera. The next step is to wait for a connection and follow the instructions on the screen.

How to set up the Internet using eSIM on your Lenovo Yoga 630?

In the Lenovo Yoga 630 model, eSIM is used as a wireless connection module for accessing the Internet, so it may be necessary to configure a profile. All options you need can be found in the drop-down list of the basic settings, where the user chooses default connection to certain networks or sets a profile to which the notebook will always connect automatically.

If you need to change the connection network, use the force stop button. If necessary, you can change the profile and use eSIM in your Lenovo Yoga 630 instead of your home Wi-Fi network.

Do not be afraid to try new technologies, because each innovation is designed for users to act as administrators and customize their device in a way that suits them best.

Reviews of Lenovo Yoga 630 with eSIM support

Rated 5.0 of 5 based on 1 customer reviews


I bought a new laptop model from Lenovo 630, which has a built-in eSIM, and decided to activate the communication module. I heard a lot of different things, and no one could say for sure whether it was worth connecting to such a telecom provider. As a result, we decided to try it on our own experience. I chose the data plan for a long time, connected quickly and at first did not notice anything particularly attractive. However, on a trip to China, I fully appreciated the convenience of a permanent connection to a stable mobile Internet.


    What devices except Lenovo Yoga 630 support eSIM?

Apple iPhone 12

LG Nexus 6

Apple iPhone 12 Pro

Apple iPhone XS

Sony VAIO Pro PG

Apple iPhone 11 Pro

Samsung Gear S2 Sport 3G

Acer Swift 7

Sony VAIO Pro PF

Google Pixel 4

Samsung Fold

Nuu Mobile X5

    Countries where you can buy eSIM mobile data plans for Lenovo Yoga 630














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