eSIM in Morocco: best mobile data plans

If you are going on a business trip to Morocco for a week, it is more profitable to install an eSIM and activate a prepaid package instead of using communication in roaming. eSIM plans in Morocco are designed for short-term travels, so you can independently set not only the connection period, but also the whole data package. If you go on a trip for only a week, you will not want to pay for a month of connection, and it is much more profitable to purchase an eSIM plan designed for a short period of time.

< 1 Gb

10+ Gb

1 Day

30+ Days


Which eSIM to choose in Morocco?

The embedded SIM card is a great alternative to traditional offers from different telecom operators. Since subscribers independently build their data package, it is possible to choose a combination of services that will be most beneficial for them. For example, you can purchase a plan with a large mobile data volume, but a minimum number of minutes for calling. This type of plan is suitable for those who are going to stay in the country for more than a week and tend to use various online services.

On the other hand, people who is going to stay in the country for only a week and do not want to constantly use the network, it is better to connect the eSIM package in Morocco with a limited amount of data. 5 GB will be enough for using social media and various other services; the voice time may also be limited.

Benefits of using eSIM in Morocco

If you need stable mobile Internet in Morocco, it is best to purchase an eSIM plan. Local operators do not have such a wide coverage network, therefore, while moving from one area to another, the connection will periodically fail. Therefore, it is much more profitable to use such eSIM technology! You pay only for the connection period that you need, i.e., you do not have to buy a plan for a whole month.

Many travelers resort to such a solution when they need to constantly move around different countries. eSIM operators allow you to connect several packages to one device, so you can change SIM cards if necessary by only changing the settings. For example, you can use the mobile Internet in Tunisia through a plan developed specifically for this country, and in Morocco, switch to another plan that will be more profitable there. If you need inexpensive and high-quality connection, try all the advantages of eSIM plans by yourself.

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